Thursday, May 27, 2010

How to gain more followers on Twitter

How to gain more followers on Twitter

twitter logo How to gain more followers on Twitter

Twitter is one of the biggest websites in social media and is only going to grow bigger. I've been on Twitter for a few years now and have learned a few tips to help grow your following and be more influential.


Following other people can increase your following because they may follow you back. Not everyone will follow you back but a good majority of people will.


If someone sends you an @ reply always make sure to reply to it. If you don't reply to them but are replying to other people then they may get fed up and unfollow you. Also send an @ reply to random people if they ask a question and they may return the favor to you by following.


A good method to pick up new followers is when you email somebody always have a link to your Twitter account, if the person you are emailing is on Twitter they may follow you.


It is always a good thing to link to your Twitter account from your website or blog. People who like what you write about can see where you are most of the time and it also allows them to connect with you.


If you have a business card then it'd be great to include your Twitter username because this allows for people to easily re-connect with you.


When posting a comment on a blog, instead of posting a link to your website, why not link to your Twitter profile? This will increase the visibility of your Twitter profile on the internet and will probably result in more followers.

Follow Back

If somebody follows you and they are not a bot then return the follow and see how you can connect with that person in different ways to build a relationship.


If you want to really increase the visibility of your Twitter account in the real world then why not get a shirt or any other kind of clothing printed with your Twitter username, you never know how many followers you may be walking passed each day.


Retweeting people's links is a great way to get them to follow you, if somebody Retweets a link of mine and I am not following them, I will follow them as a way of saying thanks.

Share your tips

What do you find works for you in gaining more followers? Share your tips below with other readers.

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Google Font API in blogger

Google Font API in blogger

Google made announcement about Font API in Google you can read from here Google Font . How to use Google font api is very easy.

Feature of this font is :

  • Support Ie 6
  • Host by Google ( big bandwidth and Cache in your browser)
  • Using @font-face
  • Will have many type of font

How to use in blogger is very easy this is one example I put in blogger :

 <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> <style> h1 { font-family: &#39;Lobster&#39;, arial, serif; } h3 { font-family: &#39;Lobster&#39;, arial, serif; } .post-body { font-family: &#39;Lobster&#39;, arial, serif; } </style&gt 

I use the Font for h1, h3 and post-body class
If you want to change type of the font you can select from here


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Accordion Template for Blogger

Accordion Template for Blogger

Bismillah, Alhamdulillah

I add one more Blogger template collection at my Blogger Templates . This template call Accrodion Template. This template not design by me but my Team.
I made this template to make it easy visitor to read and not show all long post. The script only show first post and hide others. If visitor click title bar for every post will show the post area.
Feature of This template :

  1. Accordion at Post area and Sidebar
  2. All new feature of Blogger (Read More, Avatar, Page list)
  3. Automatic page list at menu bar
  4. Modification of h1 for title(Front page h2 and Single h1)
  5. Paginator 3000 for page navigation
  6. Some color can change inside of Blogger Dashboard

Accordion Template


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Table of contents and Accordion for Blogger

Table of contents and Accordion for Blogger

Allahmdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
Usually we have so many posts in our blog and if we used TOC it will be very long. If we have very long TOC, it make visitors difficult to read our posts. To make it easy to read I made modification from previous script Table of Contents for Blogger new style and I used Accordion.
Feature of this script :

  1. Accordion effect
  2. Show and hide effect
  3. CSS 3
  4. Automatic add jquery
  5. Different color for content
  6. Different style for open and close
  7. Auto Sort the title
  8. Add New!! for 10 newest entry

How to use is very easy. Create Static Page .
Put the script in Html mode

<link href="" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link> <script src=""></script> <script src=";alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var accToc=true; </script> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Replace with your blog name


Below images are how to create page in blogger.

Useful Blogging Tips

Useful Blogging Tips

by Alan Metcalfe

The term “blog” is merely an abbreviation of “weblog” meaning a frequently updated web-based journal on virtually any subject reflecting the style and/or personality of the writer. Just a few short years ago, blogs were mainly personal journals created for the amusement of the writer and for sharing ideas with friends and associates. This situation persisted until some blogs started to generate hits in the thousands, then millions and their potential as serious money making concerns became apparent. The fundamental question is: what is the objective of writing a blog? If it is merely to record impressions of cousin Jane`s wedding for friends and family, the barriers to success are pretty low. On the other hand, if the blog can generate wide appeal or it is designed to convey information about a company or any topic where site users will pay money to subscribe, or where advertising revenue can be generated, that opens up a whole new scenario. Assuming the latter, then a few simple tips may be of value.

What? Not another one!

There are now some 60 million blogs existing on the Internet. Of course, this number becomes more comprehensible when broken down into category and region, but it does give some indication as to the level of competition for mind-share. In this respect, the techniques for gaining traffic and visitor action vary little from those applying to a conventional business website. The first important tip relates to Focus – note the capital “F.” Any kind of niche marketing where the information presented meets the needs of the target audience will always do better than some vague rambling within a highly popular category. Out of this focus should come keywords that searchers will use to locate the information they seek. Definitive, descriptive keywords that are as specific and relevant as possible will generate higher resultant rankings in the search engines. Fortunately, it is not necessary to wade through 60 million blogs to research available niche topics and opportunities when Technorati can do it instead. This is still one of the most useful all-round blog search engines and directories on line.

Software and tools

One of the most useful of all resources is the publishing tool Wordpress. It is open-source (free) and is the best established of its type in the world. A series of tips would be incomplete without a recommendation to use this software as the most useful starting point to acquiring the technology and understanding the processes. An entire industry has been built around Wordpress with endless `themes` and plug-ins now available. These allow you not only to customise the look and feel of your Wordpress site to the point where it is barely recognisable as Wordpress, but they extend core functionality to allow anything from easy data feed or news feed integration through to adding fully fledged eCommerce functionality. In selecting themes and plug-ins, do check for reviews and the reputation of the provider as quality varies widely. Many are free and of excellent quality whilst others will require a free which may range from nominal through to significant.

A blog needs quality links to promote integrity and expertise within a particular community. Social media and aggregation sites have changed many of the older rules about the importance and effectiveness of links, though a blog itself is frequently used as a tool to generate links to a website, links being one of the major factors in raising search engine rankings and one of the basic concepts of search engine optimization. Aggregation sites have also helped to change the importance of links, because they do much of the work of searching by combining relevant results without reliance on standard search engines. Link trading between associated, yet non-competing marketers is another good method and blog networks are a way of gaining links and contacts within blogging communities. The latter are essentially clusters of blogs under a common banner of which Gawker and Weblogs are among the best known.

Content is still king

There is still one fundamental truth and that is the absolute importance of well written and relevant content, without which a visitor is unlikely to read on and certainly not return, which is the essence of building a loyal user base. Thus the same generic skill required in any exercise focused on writing content for the web can be brought to bear here. Driven by your target keywords, the combination of fresh ideas, written communication skills, persistence and luck will often produce exceptional results.

Reputation through value

Given the availability of the blog search tools outlined above, it makes a great deal of sense to thoroughly research existing material and posts in determining the content and focus for your own material, seeking to `fill the gaps` as it were. There are endless blogs and forums of good quality but with poorly answered questions, many of which will be relevant to your focus and sector. Identifying these, creating in-depth and original material on your own blog and then posting useful summarised responses on other blogs with a link to your more in-depth response is by far the strongest approach. Over time, this should help in building a strong reputation and, indeed brand awareness if you are operating as a business.

Avoiding the main pitfalls

We have all seen those inflammatory posts. Whilst some marketers believe that there is no such thing as bad publicity, an ill-thought through or unwarranted attack on others does little for your reputation. We all feel like writing `that` blog post on occasions but a deep breath and a more measured or balanced approach are called for. Even if you deem it appropriate to level some criticism, this should be added in a way that clearly demonstrates an understanding of both sides of the argument and of the core issues in question. Precisely the same guidelines apply when responding to any criticism directed at you.

About The Author

Alan has extensive practical experience in natural search and social media and advises a number of clients. He writes regularly on these these, together with wider earch marketing issues.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Video Blogging: Good Idea or Bad?

Video Blogging: Good Idea or Bad?

If your tired of typing away at your keyboard and want try a new platform you might want to look into video blogging. But before you start your video blog here are some things you should think about to see if it will be a good idea to go ahead or not.

Content – What will you be yacking about? If your video blog will only be about your day with pretty much the same content as your personal blog then it might not be too good an idea because frankly it will just bore people to death and you’ll appear plain narcissistic. However, if you are Scarlett Johansson or someone equally hot or famous then by all means yack all you want and people will still come in droves. Seriously though, content that will do well when it comes to video blogs would be technical content (think tips) that will be hard to plod through if you read through it as one blog post. In this case it will still be a good idea to add a slideshow for the content or at least an outline so that people can take note of what they learn. Comedy acts and amateur music videos also do well. The point is to just make sure that the content will be made more interesting by using a video, instead of written, format.

Your look – Let’s face it, it would be better if you are presentable when you appear on screen. So make sure to appear your best (especially if the video blog relates to your work/business!). If you think that no amount of grooming will make you look good then get creative and use puppets or have someone do the talking/presentation for you. This way you can at least claim to now be an amateur director/producer.

Video cam – Make sure your video cam has a good resolution. You don’t have to use a professional camera but at least make sure that your video won’t appear grainy. At the same time don’t go for a ridiculous resolution because you have to think about file size and loading time.

One Student's Story: $0 to $800+ per month Passive Income in About a Year

One Student's Story: $0 to $800+ per month Passive Income in About a Year

The following is an unsolicited guest post from one of our students, a great guy who goes by the handle ’skinnyninja’ in our forums. Yes, he is skinny. And yes, he is a ninja. In addition to building his passive income online, he supports the addiction recovery community with a really amazing blog. Anyone struggling with any addictions (or even bad habits) would be wise to check it out.

Let me introduce myself:

* I am a student of The Keyword Academy.

* I signed up for the 1 dollar trial at TKA back in April of 2009, so I have been in the program for a little over a year now.

* Before joining TKA, I worked very hard on a single website for 3 years, but it was not making much money to really speak of. Some days I would make a dollar or even less in Adsense earnings.

Let’s cut right to the chase: after about a year of learning and applying new knowledge, my results can speak for themselves. This money shot is for the last seven days, not an entire month:

Now obviously, $199 for a week in Adsense earnings will translate into some nice monthly earnings. $800 dollars or so each month in passive earnings is not to bad for 10 months worth of effort, right? It is certainly the best investment that I have made in quite a while. I mean, what would you be doing with an extra $800 in cash every month? I have it flowing into my life right now, with almost no additional work to maintain it, and let me tell you….it makes a huge difference!

Please keep in mind that I work a full time job in the real world and do not possess amazing internet marketing skills or anything. I am just a regular guy who was looking for an additional stream of income, and started looking for a way to learn more about how to make money online.

You are probably wondering how I was able to produce $800 per month in passive earnings using the Keyword Academy program. I’m going to break it down into the key areas where I think the real value comes from, and how I make more money because of it:

* Extreme focus
* Support and community
* TKA Tools
* Leadership and challenges

Extreme focus

Making money on the internet can be absolutely overwhelming. There are so many different methods you could test out, so many different techniques you could try. This might include anything from selling stuff on eBay, to writing freelance articles for extra cash, to attempting what Court and Mark teach to develop a passive stream of income from search engine traffic. Some people get overwhelmed before they even choose a direction to go in!

On top of the confusing options, the market is littered with scams, especially in the make money online world. It is a rare treat to find someone who is willing to give you 100% full access to everything for a measly one dollar test drive….not to mention that they make this offer for an entire month.

A big part of what helped me in getting to my income goal was increased focus. Court and Mark actually harp on this concept quite a bit, because it produces results in the real world. They have a detailed system for generating traffic and then making money from that traffic, and they are fanatical about cutting out the extra fluff that does not lead to increased income. Every single action you take when working on internet marketing should be driving you towards your income goals. The TKA program has a number of ways that they go about enhancing focus for students.

Part of the success of the TKA program is in the focus and the simplicity. Court and Mark are teaching you how to generate search engine traffic, period. Yes, there are a million little details to pile on top of this. Is the topic profitable? Do searchers for a certain keyword tend to click ads or ignore them? Is there enough income potential with a keyword to make it worthwhile? Could we make more money by ditching Adsense and selling affiliate products instead? And on and on. But the core program sweeps everything aside and shows you how to answer all of these questions, and more, with focus and simplicity. In fact, the program allows for plenty of expansion and flexibility, in that once you learn how to choose the optimal keywords for your topic and start generating traffic, it then becomes quite easy to test different methods of monetization, optimize for different keywords, expand into other keyword categories, and so on.

Also, once you learn how to focus on the actions that produce traffic and income, it becomes so much easier to replicate those actions and scale your efforts up. With so much clutter and junk in the world of internet marketing, it is nice to be able to sweep 99 percent of it aside and learn how to engage in the actions that can grow your passive earnings.

How focus has helped me make more money:

At one point in my internet marketing career, I was checking my earnings once per day, and was always devastated when it was not higher than it was the day before. Both Court and Mark helped me achieve a mental breakthrough–both in different ways and in slightly different areas–that allowed me to truly separate what made a day successful for me or not. Once I was able to separate my earnings for the day from the amount of work I was doing, I was able to rapidly accelerate my marketing efforts and my income started to jump. This mental conditioning led to some pretty big action for me, and helped me to move beyond a plateau that I was stuck at for months. As a result, my income pretty much doubled over a period of 90 days, and it has been steadily rising ever since then.

You may have a website, or a couple of websites, and you put in some tough work and you get to a point where your earnings sort of levels off for a while, and you can’t really see the next major leap to make. I have been at this point at least twice in the last 10 months. Each time, I was able to break through this point after listening to either Court or Mark during a live webinar. I came away from the live session with a spark of inspiration and an idea, a feeling of “I can do this!” And thus I would start taking massive action on my web properties, somehow putting in a ton of hard work in such a way so as to seriously boost my earnings in the long run. And both times that this happened–when I attacked my business with renewed focus–I always saw a substantial leap in earnings within the next 90 days.

Focus is such a huge part of internet marketing, because the hard work that we put in today will not pay dividends from an SEO standpoint for several weeks or even months. So my breakthroughs have always occurred when Court and Mark were able to convince me to take it on blind faith that “If you do X, you will get Y.” Rinse and repeat.

Support and community

In my opinion, the forum alone is worth the price of admission. Ask an honest question or request some feedback or opinions, and you get it right away, within an hour or less. Instant guru help. In nearly every case, people who are earning thousands of dollars per month in internet marketing are jumping in left and right to help you with questions. It really is an unbelievable community. And of course, Court and Mark themselves are active on the forums, and this provides huge value as well.

Beyond the forum, there are other forms of support as well, and one of the biggest perks is a programming ninja named Peter that is on staff with Court and Mark. He is a delight to work with, can resolve just about any technical issue, and provides incredible insight and new tools to the community.

Participation in the private forum can be a double edged sword. If you hang out there all day and fantasize about making money online, then you obviously are not taking the actions necessary to grow your income.

Luckily, the TKA members help to keep each other in check with this a bit. There are at least two nifty tricks built into the forum that make it more useful: a karma system and a badge system. You can glance through a thread and quickly find the people who can speak with real authority, because these things are already in place to provide you with instant information. This is not to say that the newcomer gets drowned out in the crowd, however. Anyone can ask a question in the forums and instantly get expert advice and quality feedback within minutes. I have never seen a question go unanswered.

How TKA support has helped me make more money:

Every couple of days I get an idea and I write up a forum post and bounce it off the community. This is priceless. I get ideas, other people weigh in with their ideas, and we all help each other to make more money. I have hired people in the forums for various services, such as article writing, keyword research, and even link building, but this is all besides the point. The instant feedback from dozens of professional internet marketers is what really keeps me coming back. The reason I stick and stay is because I have this professional, high quality sounding board to test my ideas with.


Here is what Court and Mark did: they hired an awesome programmer, explained the biggest bottlenecks in making money with their system, and then demanded that this guy come up with brilliant solutions that could automate nearly all of the grunt work. What he came up with is fantastic, and there are least two major tools in the TKA program that more than make up for the price of admission, over and over again. One tool helps you to find profitable keywords, the other helps you to rank well in the search engines. Both tools are extremely powerful and are market leaders in their category. Since they are private tools used only by the community, they may not be recognized as market leaders, but they are (I know because I have tested the market!).

Really, these two tools are so good that Court and Mark could have easily justified commissioning their existence, even without ever sharing them with the community. They are so powerful that just one person could benefit tremendously from them….so you can imagine how much value they add to an entire community.

How TKA tools have helped me make more money:

Without going into too much detail, let’s just say that roughly 90 percent of my efforts rely exclusively on tools that I use from the Keyword Academy. Sure, I use some outside resources for things like content creation, creating and building links, and even finding keywords, but all of this has continued to shrink as the new tools at TKA have integrated most of my old methods. The tools just automate everything and make it a “one stop shopping solution.” No need to go elsewhere right now, as my income is steady rising with the tools I am working with.

Don’t get me wrong…the tools are not magic. They do not make money rain down from the sky. Ultimately, some bottlenecks still exist when it comes to increasing your income. You still need lots of original content, you still have to find keywords, and you still have to create links. The tools at TKA do a good job at making a serious dent in at least two of these areas. But you will still have to put forth some real effort, and it always takes a bit of time to get things moving along as well.

Leadership and challenges

Part of the TKA program includes weekly webinars. These are live audio and video broadcasts that you follow along with. It is pretty impressive that you can actually ask questions during these broadcasts and get direct answers as well.

Part of the challenge that Court and Mark face is in dealing with repeat questions, as well as newcomers to their program and people who have serious doubts about how it will all turn out. Most students of internet marketing would much rather think about making money online rather than put in real work and effort….and this is exactly the sort of block that Court and Mark have been learning how to overcome in the minds of their students.

It has been impressive to watch these guys evolve as teachers. You can tell that they have had moments of extreme frustration. Yet they really have been able to push beyond that and use this as an opportunity to delve into the mind of the frustrated internet entrepreneur and make it into a lesson that can help everyone. Their leadership, in this case, has pushed them to really learn what kinds of challenges are blocking their students, and how they can design challenges and goals that will produce real action and real results.

A big part of this comes into play when Court will make a breakthrough of his own, and then share it with the community, challenging them to put in the same work to replicate his efforts. He continues to push his students by pushing himself. And now, many TKA members have come up with challenges of their own in the forums, and this is the type of atmosphere that helps to incite action and promote income growth.

How TKA leadership has helped me make more money:

Like I said, I have experienced at least 2 major breakthroughs that have spurred me into action and drastically added to my bottom line. One of these was inspired by Court and the other was inspired by Mark. Each of these guys brings something unique to the table when it comes to teaching and instructing students. Obviously, Court makes his own breakthroughs in the internet marketing world and then shares his success with others, pushing them to take action and duplicate his results. Mark brings a business prowess to the table that is very professional and has actually shown me how to take my flagship website to the next level, something that I did not really believe could be achieved at first.

I don’t just subscribe to Court and Mark because I think they are nice guys or because they like my website….I do it because they have taken me all the way to $800 per month in passive income! For me, the continuing education that I get at the Keyword Academy is simply part of my business. It is a lifeline that I would be crazy to go without, as the experience thus far has multiplied my income many times over.

I am excited beyond words to look forward to the next year in internet marketing. I am so grateful that I have this level of support as I transition to a full time income online.

Focus on applications in Mac OS X with Isolator

Focus on applications in Mac OS X with Isolator

Isolator Focus on applications in Mac OS X with Isolator
All us Mac OS X users know that it can sometimes get confusing and be hard to concentrate when we have a lot of windows open. To prevent this confusion we can use Isolator. With Isolator you can activate it and disable it as you like by click the icon in the menubar or using the shortcut key command + I.

Isolator allows you to concentrate on the frontmost window and you can either blur the other windows in the background or overlay another color.

Isolator is a Mac OS X only application and is free.

You can find more information and download it from here

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Friday, May 7, 2010


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